Wednesday, August 5, 2009

passing it on

so a few weeks ago, we were in nathan's favorite store toys r us. they had some of the "old" games on sale, one of them being battleship. i picked it up thinking it might be a little challenging, but fun and nostalgic for dave and i. so yesterday nathan and i played it for the first time. he actually picked up on it pretty easily. he then challenged his dad to a game when he got home from work. he did even better this time.

this morning this was the scene at the breakfast table.
battleship game - great deal
time spent teaching nathan to play - honestly...tested my patience
witnessing this moment between these two - priceless
sidenote - i think this is the second time i have ripped off this ad campaign. i don't even remember what company it is for. memorable, but not in the way they intended.

1 comment:

autumn said...

Very cute picture! they both look so INTO it.
And you are right about that campaign. Very fun to rip off, but what was it for? Mastercard? Massengill? Mentos? I forget too...